Aegis has just been awarded its first order from British Telecom subsidiary OpenReach. This represents a major

Aegis has just been awarded its first order from British Telecom subsidiary OpenReach. This represents a major breakthrough in our expansion into the United Kingdom through our subsidiary, Aegis Instruments Limited, based in England.

OpenReach is British Telecom's operational company that maintains the UK's local access network - the fibre, cables, and wires that run from homes and businesses to their local exchange. More information about OpenReach can be found at

OpenReach has realised the benefits offered by the Aegis QuickSwitch product range, providing a complete connectivity solution for access to the copper network. Now UK engineers can access the benefits of the QuickSwitch product range.

This is our first major step in our expansion into the UK and is a result of the high product quality produced by Aegis in design, application, and support.